At BEN’S ORIGINAL™ we believe everyone deserves to feel welcome, heard and have access to nutritious food–that’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to create meals and experiences that offer everyone a seat at the table. Like we have for more than 70 years, our simple tasty foods continue to serve as the cornerstone of many cultural favorites. We also ensure underserved communities have access to the nutritious meals we all deserve, create equal opportunities for people from underserved communities to pursue careers in the food industry and continue to bring people across cultures, generations and backgrounds together at the table to share meaningful meals. BEN’S ORIGINAL™ the number one rice brand in the world, is proud to offer a wide range of rice dishes with flavors and textures that will help bring more to your meals, both for savory main courses and convenient side dishes. BEN’S ORIGINAL™ products are manufactured by Mars Food, part of Mars, Incorporated.